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Anne (Markovich) Kish

ANNE KISH, of Avoca, born June 28, 1923, died on June 11, 2019 in Silver Spring, MD.

Anne (Markovich) Kish, small town girl with a big life, grew up in western PA (Windber) coal country during the Depression. Bookworm Anne sadly had to quit high school when she was fifteen to take care of the house and family. But that was not going to stop her! At age 20, during World War II, on her way to her job selling shoes, she saw the Marine Corps poster, “Be a Marine, and Free a Marine to Fight.” She didn’t make it to the shoe store that day (or so the story goes). The Marine Corps changed Anne’s life, allowing her, through the GI Bill, to get the education she always dreamed of. During WWII Anne was stationed at the Marine Corps training facility on Parris Island, South Carolina where she was a truck driver. After the war, she married her childhood sweetheart Steve, but romantic and domestic life were only a few of Anne’s interests. She had two children, Stephen, born 1947, living in Bayfield Colorado with his wife Maureen Nichols, and Helen, born 1950, living with her husband Dave Gudes in Takoma Park, MD, and while having babies, Anne completed her high school education. After that, she was off and running. She obtained a BA from Wilkes College, a Master’s Degree in Literature from the University of Scranton, and was an Assistant Professor of Literature and an English scholar at Wilkes College for 20 years. Her life’s desire of getting an education was realized. But she did more… a lot more. At different times in her life she has was a Girl Scout Leader, Swim Coach, Playground Director, Actress, Writer, Fluent in Slovak, Wine Maker, Gardener, Life of the Party, Singer, Outdoorswoman, World Traveler, One Rolling-Rock-a-Day Girl, Devout Catholic, is Grandma to Leah Kish, born 1984, living Albuquerque, NM, a Member of every Veteran’s group in NEPA, and “Once a Marine, Always a Marine.” After her retirement, she and her husband Steve traveled internationally and spent years touring all fifty states. She had earned her place in the sun. Anne said those were the best times of her life. Steve died in 1988 but Anne wasn’t finished yet. She re-created her life and spent the next 25 years helping veteran’s organizations. She was so grateful for the education the military had provided her that she was motivated to promote veteran’s issues. She has received numerous awards for her dedication and hard work for veterans. She was the original “supermom.” She did it all.

A mass of Christian burial will be held on Friday June 28, 2019 at 10:00am at

Queen Of The Apostles Parish Church, 715 Hawthorne St. Avoca with Fr. Phillip Sladicka officiating. Friends may call on Friday morning June 28, from 9am until time of mass. The AMVETS Honor Guard of Greater Pittston and the Marine Corp League of Scranton will provide military honors. Interment will be held at a later date in Arlington National Cemetery.

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